Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lord have mercy...

Somedays I wonder what God was thinking when He made me a mom.

I mean, it’s one thing to be ridiculously weird and to be able to laugh about my own idiosyncrasies; but it’s a whole other ball of wax when you realize that you’re training your children to also be weird.

Have mercy.

You see, today I was out running some errands when I ended up driving down a country road.

First we passed the beautiful field with horses grazing and Brekyn yelled, “Mommy! Look at the horses!”

Remembering that horses are not a normal part of my child’s life in the “city” I smiled and thought about how neat it was that God gave us the blessing of seeing these serene horses.

Brekyn and I began chatting about how great it was to see the “countryside” when all of a sudden he began yelling from the backseat:

“Mommy!! Mommy!! Look! It’s Swiss Cake Rolls!”

Now, if you know me well; you know that swiss cake rolls are my weakness.

You could put a life-sized chocolate cake in front of my face and I could walk away.

BUT, if you put a swiss cake roll within 33.3 miles of my home, I am guaranteed to sniff it out with my nose. (yes, it is in fact 33.3 miles...I've tested this) :)

So, needless to say, the car began swerving as I peered out the window trying to find the swiss cake rolls that apparently some country bumpkin carelessly discarded.
(No offense if you're a country bumpkin. I really have no problems with country bumpkins...though if you were a country bumpkin and you did carelessly discard God's precious gift of swiss cake rolls then we might need to sit down and have a heart to heart talk.)

That’s when I realized what Brekyn had spotted.

And again I say, Lord have mercy…my kids are turning out just as weird as I am!

Long live the swiss cake rolls!

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