What a great night we had!
Last night was the official start of the life group that Donn and I have been praying for for quite some time.
For the first 8 years of our marriage, Donn and I were always involved with a life group. It was a group we could be real with; share our fears with; pray over life with, and laugh a ton with. Over the course of 8 years, the group shifted and merged in many ways, but the simple fact remained that they were some of the closest friends we had ever had in life.
Over the past 2+ years however, life groups were not something that were part of the model at the church where Donn served. Between his hectic ministry schedule and added kids, we ended up dropping the life group focus and deeply missing that time.
Last Spring, Donn and I were discussing some areas where we felt our life could use improvement and that was the top area for each one of us. We determined that we would begin praying for God to help us begin a life group by this past fall.
Of course, at the time, we had no idea what changes were in store for our family and what our fall would end up looking like.
When God led us on this new endeavor; the very first thing that He laid on our hearts was to get to NY and to get started in a life group. We knew it didn't make much sense since we had no friends in NY and it was pretty unlikely to think of beginning a life group in your first few days in a new town; but we continued to feel the urgency so we continued to pray.
And last night we realized a major answer to prayer.
Around bowls of ice cream, a blazing fire and hot coffee, we sat with Rob, Molly, Lauren and Doug and shared life. We talked over past struggles, present struggles and future dreams. We prayed for guidance and focus and we discussed the next step for C1. Pretty much, we sat in the midst of an answered prayer.
Watching God reveal His plan for this new adventure is beyond anything I have ever experienced. What began just 6 months ago as a vision and a hope, has now become a group of 6 adults who are praying specifically for the revival of the "Glove Cities."
God is so present here. Please keep praying!
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