Monday, February 1, 2010

What in the world is going on??

Man, it seems like there is just so much to say but so little time to say it....literally.

It's 7:10 am now and I will be heading off to work shortly. Each day goes by and I think of my bloggy world friends and I feel so bad for neglecting to meet with you all here and at least say "hi"...but reality is just a bit chaotic right now.

The truth is, when I get home from work and prepare dinner I probably could sit down and blog a bit...BUT I DON'T WANT TO!!!

I just want to sit and read to Elle or sit and watch tv or sit and do...well...NOTHING! :)

Needless to say, we're still in transition here a bit.

However, in the few short minutes that I have left, let me see if I can give some updates.

1) The Charlotte house is still on the market (though we're hoping that will change very soon). We have an interested buyer and it is someone whom we would LOVE to have in the house. It is a mother and a daughter who have literally sat and prayed in our living room over whether or not this is the house for them. Of course, we just LOVE that and we are praying that if the Lord wants it to work out, we will hear something official soon.

2) On the house front here, we continue to live with my parents while we are looking at houses. We have found a 1920's house that sits right on a park in town that we are currently praying over ourselves. It's currently a two-family house (though it's really too small to fit both our family and my sister Megan in, so we're praying about taking it and converting it into a one family house. Of course, if we go that route, we would not have the advantage of Megan's rent to offset the mortgage so we're praying fervently over what God wants for us. We've had a lot of trouble finding a multi-family home that is livable (which is the reason why we finally began looking at one-family homes). Here's the amazing thing (my Charlotte friends will die over this), the asking price on this home is $89,000! However, don't get too excited about how "cheap" that is. You see, the difference between Charlotte and NY is that the taxes are so outrageous in these parts of NY (because welfare is so high) that this $89k home would actually cost us over $400 a MONTH in taxes alone!! GULP! We would love your prayers as we seek God's direction over this prospect. Although it's not an overly charming house in many regards, we believe it might be a good prospect for holding ministry events at (ie. small groups and even games of pick-up soccer in the park). Please pray with us!

3) Finally, and most importantly, what's up with the ministry stuff? WOW is all we can say. In just a short 4 weeks of being in town and being able to focus solely on the ministry development, we have already seen God moving in so many ways. We have spent countless hours with our ministry partners, Rob and Molly as we've shared vision, gone over details and prayed together. We have met with local pastors and sought wise counsel, we have identified another couple who would like to possibly join us in leadership in the ministry and Donn has a meeting with the mayor on Wednesday. In the meantime, as part of my experience back in the full-time working world, I have begun to meet many people through various chamber of commerce meetings or other events.

It is truly amazing to sit back and realize all that has already transpired in such a short amount of time. God is so good!

And so, there's the most recent update. And now I must head off to work (which, by the way, I am absolutely loving). I miss the kids, but working for hospice has been such a rewarding experience already and I'm in such awe that the Lord provided this opportunity. At the same time, I am so excited to see how well Donn has transitioned to being the primary caregiver for the kids. He is so great with them and he's finding that the time being home is allowing him to spend many more hours on ministry preparation also.

Well, I'd better run...hi ho..hi ho...!!!


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for filling us in!! We have been wondering and waiting, knowing that your time at home is precious and more limited now.

Good news -- will continue to be praying, praying, praying!!

We love you!

Anonymous said...

I think about you all the time. I am so happy to hear the good news. Take care and don't guilt over not have quite a lot on your plate so enjoy any downtime you get! much love
Heather Chapman

Flamingo said...

thank you for the update ! i was wondering me! you are astounding to me! i would still be curled in the fetal postition with having to work full time! you are doing phenomenal! and you still post!! good greif...i suddenly feel like a loser:)