Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So, I realize that I don't blog as much as I used to, but I still like to think that those of you who have become my bloggy world friends know me fairly well.

So, let me ask you this question...

Hypothetically speaking (of course); if I was participating in a "newlywed game" where someone posed the question;

"Donn just stopped at the 7Eleven on the way home from work and decided to bring a treat home for Cyndie. What treat would Donn bring home to Cyndie?"

So what would my dear bloggy friends answer to that question??

I myself was thrilled to hear that question asked because I thought for sure Donn would know the answer! DUH!! Chalk on an extra 10 points for the Truaxes! We've been married for almost 11 years - surely Donn would run up to the counter of the 7 Eleven with a HUGE box of swiss cake rolls!



Apparently not.

Apparently, in this little world that my husband of one decade lives in; Cyndie would much rather have a bag of TOSTITOS from the 7Eleven!!


Where in the world has this guy been for the past 10 years? Doesn't he read my blog! I mean, come on!!


Good grief.


Anonymous said...

Duh! OF COURSE it should have been Swiss Cake rolls!!! Oh Donn, Donn, Donn....but you have to appreciate that he thought of you enough to get you anything at all!!

nanadar said...

Does it count that Donn's mom has a box for you this weekend?? Albeit it's the once that's been at the house from when you lived here, and they're individually wrapped, hermetically sealed. KLOVE is doing the Love Language test today.... make sure Donn and you take it -- there may have been a new item, Swiss Cake Roll love language.

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Even I knew the correct answer to that!!! Love to you and your whole family. Nancy K

Jeane` said...

Well, it HAS only been 11 years....I am sure had it been 12 years, Swiss Rolls would have been served up on a cute little shabby chic tray.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking either Swiss Cake Rolls or Coffee....

Since you could prob make yourself a better cup of coffee than a 7Eleven, Swiss Cake Rolls do seem like the most obvious choice...

:-) I agree with Mary Ann though... At least he brought you something!