Monday, August 23, 2010

A New Challenge....

Okay, I'm ashamed...I can't even begin to look at the last date I posted something. It's truly appalling and I can give you a million and 3 reasons why I have become a blog reject, but I'll spare you the boredom.

Needless to say, I'm tired of not taking the time to blog. I often think about how stupid it is that I even miss the blogging...I mean really, do all 17 of you out there actually care a bit about the dumb comments I made in grocery store line or the tricky way in which I know it's time to diet (stories for another day, I suppose)? The point is, I highly doubt that any of my blogs alter anyone's course in a significant way - but I've realized something pretty big.

I miss it.

I have so many amazing and incredible and difficult things going on in my life since our new adventure began and I miss having a way for myself to sort through all of it!

And so, I've made a declaration with myself (good luck). This week I will blog each day. Just like old days.

I can't guarantee that any of the words will come out forming any actual sentences, but I can guarantee that I will do it!

Game on!! Here we go!! Get ready for your life to absolutely be altered in NO WAY... but who knows, maybe we'll laugh a little as we go! :)


Anonymous said...

I for one, am interested in what you have to say and I am looking forward to hearing of your adventures! :)

Anonymous said...

You are so funny Cyndie!!
I check your blog a few times a week and have missed seeing an update on the house and the ministry. Besides, you are a talented writer and I enjoy your thoughts. :)

Tracy Wittman

Flamingo said...

and i will read:)

don't worry...i'm a blog reject too and i don't even do half of what you do:)

Amy said...

Can't wait to hear from you all week! Love ya! - Amy

Anonymous said...

I have MISSED YOU and your blogs. Especially now that you are no longer 2 doors down for me to hear your thoughts live and in person and with a glass of wine in hand!

Frankly, I don't need deep introspection every day, so whatever you think/say will be JUST RIGHT.

I sure do miss you.
Sending love and hugs.