Wednesday, January 14, 2009

And This Is What Happens....

Oh, how I wish more of you out there in my cyberspacey world were commenters!:)

I am in awe. How do you do it?

When I took on this job I knew that life would be different.
Some things will have to take a back seat.

The house has a few more dust bunnies and the dinners might not be as gourmet (which really stinks because when you're starting out with Mac n cheese as your gourmet meal, there's not too much farther to fall).

Nevertheless, it's been an interesting week.

I realized the depth of the change when I walked into the kitchen this morning and saw the laundry.

I had already done 2 loads. This is what I will spend the remainder of the day doing.

I guess this is one of those things that I will have to keep from falling too far back on the burner.

I wish I secretly had a passion for folding laundry...Oh Lord, make it my spiritual gift!

Right now let me just get it off my chest so I can move on with life....Here goes....

I HATEEEEEEEEEEEE LAUNDRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't we just walk around everyday in stinky clothes!!!


Valerie said...

So what kind of job are you doing?

Periodically I think that I've had as much as I can stand with the life of a stay-at-homeschooling-mom and how I'd like to earn money to contribute to the budget. I start daydreaming about adult interaction and the affirmation of a job well done. Then I think about having to spend all my evenings and weekends doing the household chores that stack up and then that whole job thing doesn't look so good. But trust me, there are days that I'd LOVE to get out and go to work!

Don't worry, you'll find a balance and a routine soon that will keep the overwhelming feeling at bay.

amy said...

Okay...I am leaving you your first comment! : ) I am a faithful reader but I will try to leave more comments...although I often make them outloud, saying, "me too!".
Another thing we have in common! I HATE LAUNDRY, TOO!! Folding is the part I lose interest...that is why most of my laundry just sits in laundry baskets - clean yet unfolded! : )

Luke Holzmann said...

Laundry at our house gets washed once in a while (when I finally run out of underwear that is useful [smile]). But folding?

Nope. We dump it on the floor on one side of the room, and the move it to the other pile as we use it.

Someday we may get this a tad more under control, but not now [smile]. Hang in there!


Unknown said...


Just popped over and wanted to say, "LAUNDRY! UGH!" But then again, I think of Little House on the Prairie with their creek and their washer and dryer aren't looking that bad all of a sudden!!! I love you! Are you working outside the home? I'm out of the loop. thanks for praying for us. I should be in bed but I just had to send a quick note of love to one of my front porch sisters!