Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I've Been Tagged...

I’ve been ‘tagged’ by my friend Billie! For those of you who aren’t familiar with the tagging concept…it pretty much means that Billie has asked me some questions that I need to answer and share with the world (or at least all 3 of you who are so kind to read my blog)!:)

Here Goes:

What were you doing 10 years ago?
Basking in my engagement to the biggest stud on the planet (May 1st, 1998 to be exact) and feverishly making plans for a wedding that was still 13 months away (because that’s just my style)!

5 things on your to do list for today:

1) Stay sane (that is a goal that I put on the top of everyday’s to-do list!)

2) LAUNDRY!!! (4 loads to be exact - UGGH)

3) Shower (lofty goals I realize)!

4) Sit on my patio a bit (I have made it a recent goal to take at least 10 minutes every day and sit on my patio (yesterday it was too windy so today I’m allowed 20 minutes!)

5) Edit chapter 5 of the book I’m working on (this has been on my list for a solid month now)!

5 things you would do if you were a billionaire:

Hmm….well, since Donn is a youth pastor and I’m an Executive Home Specialist (as I like to call myself), you know that we’re just rolling in the dough..therefore, these are goals that I fully expect we will have accomplished in the next year or so:)!

1) Go on a missions trip with my Mom

2) Start some ministry…over the years I have kicked around everything from a crisis pregnancy ministry to a youth program, to a single mom’s ministry and more recently an orphan related ministry…Ahhh…quite the dreamer! Probably this is the reason God doesn’t make me a billionaire…I can’t nail down my passions!:)

3) Buy Donn a really great boat and Harley

4) Take a honeymoon (we’re shooting for our 10th anniversary on this one but who knows – we said that about our 5th anniversary also). (FYI, our original “honeymoon” was a two day stay in Maryland as we drove from NY to our new home.

5) Buy a lake house next to my parent’s in NY…and, while I’m at it I guess I would buy a jet too so we can get there in less than 16 hours. Why not, I’m a billionaire right?

Name 3 bad habits:

Who me? Gee, I’ll try to come up with a few:)

1) My nails…we all know it…I constantly bite them (I’m actually working on that one)!

2) My mouth…just look at the title of my blog…ALWAYS TALKING…it’s a blessing and a curse ya’ll!

3) Swiss cake rolls!!! Lord have mercy…I wish they were never invented!!! They’re just too yummy!!

List 5 jobs you have had:

1)”Deli worker” (little known fact: I actually wore a cow hat, cow apron and sliced meat like you can’t imagine…well, until I cut my finger tip in the meat slicer and ended up in the hospital…I wasn’t asked back to that job)!

2)”Executive Coffee getter, dry-cleaning taker, parking ticket payer” for a Film Director in Los Angeles – UGGH! (clearly this was an internship!)

3) )”Executive Coffee getter, dry-cleaning taker, parking ticket payer” for a Film Director in Los Angeles – NOPE, I’m not an idiot who just messed up and wrote this twice….I ACTUALLY HAD TWO INTERNSHIPS LIKE THIS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4)Television Production Assistant

5)Marketing Director

List 5 books that you have recently read:

1) the Bible :)

2) 90 Minutes in Heaven (AMAZING)!!

3) Mistaken Identity

4) Shepherding a Child’s Heart

5) The Most Important Place on Earth

Friends I'm tagging next:


Jami said...

Hi Cyndie! Thanks for coming to my blog and for the nice words of encouragement.

I was actually just talking to Billie yesterday and she told me about your blog. I was planning on checking it out today!

Am I thinking right? Are you going to She Speaks in June?? I will be there!

I LOVE your blog header...I think we could be friends!!! :)

I'll have to come back again! :)

Jami (clintandjami@gmail.com)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm it. You tagged me!!! Serosuly I paniked when I read your post thinking there was going t be some sort of running involved in this task. Whew! Thank goodness...you know I don't run unless someone is chasing me with a weapon!
I'm gonna get right on those questions cause it's a little sad, but all I have done tonight is clip coupons. I feeling serioualy unproductive, but loving every second of it! ;)

lifelaughterchaos said...

You continue to make me smile! That is so me...not being a billionaire because I can't pin down my passion. What is that about? I don't understand when people have to try and figure out what excites them...everything excites me!