I have done a lot of thinking lately.
A few days ago I posted the poem written by Nadine Stair about what she would do differently if she could live her life over. See
here if you haven't yet read that.
Recently I have caught myself thinking about that a lot.
Why is it that we write these poems at the end of our lives?
Why do we wait until our bodies are frail and our earthly time is ending?
If we can take anything away from the advice of these poems, doesn't it seem that we should take each day captive and live it to the fullest
I've decided that I'm not willing to wait until the end of my life to write this poem.
I'm writing it now.
At the age of 31, with hopefully many years ahead of me, I am going to try to live this life
If the Lord allows me to live until I'm 100 I hope that I will look back and realize that I lived life exactly like I wanted to.
My personal poem is below:
If I had my life to live over…I would laugh more at my children’s jokes and not overlook their “problems” as insignificant.
I would never miss the chance to hug my husband when he entered the door after a long day.
I would spend more time building pillow forts instead of scrubbing the kitchen floor.
I would learn to run.
I would never be too busy to be a friend.
If I had my life to live over…
I would pick more wildflowers.
I would bake more goodies.
I wouldn’t think so much about “messes” but think more about “moments.”
I would cook a five course meal that actually tasted edible.
I would stand beside the ocean and breathe the scent in without worrying about my hair getting frizzy.
I would catch more fireflies.
I would hug more orphans and wipe more tears.
I would worry less about schedules and more about opportunities.
I would live life out loud and never be ashamed.
I would look at each day as new and let go of the past.
I would live life passionately and not sweat the little things.
I would follow my dreams and not believe the ‘lies’ that I am too old, too young, too poor or too rich.
I would never let the words “I love you” be far from my lips.
Yes; if I had my life to live over…
I would breathe it all in and savor every ounce.
I would hug more, love more, smile more and laugh more.
I would live more.
What would you do if you had your life to live over? Why not start today?