Monday, May 19, 2008

What can I say?

I love my husband with all my heart. He is truly the most amazing and loving best friend in the world. He loves me like no one else ever could. I am greatly blessed....


He does have a few weird quirks. :)

I think my most favorite 'quirk' is his weed whacking attire.

Donn has actually become a bit of a legend for this little quirk. You see, years ago he decided that he was sick and tired of having all of the debris fly back and hit his legs while weed whacking. However, being that we live in the south, he also can't stand wearing heavy jeans in the heat of the day....SO...he took his soccer background and put it to a good purpose.

He is now known in our neighborhood for his lawncare attire. Lucky for me; I also have a little boy who wants to be just like daddy. The other day I just cringed when I went out back and found Brekyn helping dad with the lawn....

Come on; let's take a closer look...

Who knows; maybe this will become the latest fashion trend!


Charissa said...

This is pretty awesome! I see moments like this in my future as well...Chad is quite quirky as well!

lifelaughterchaos said...

Hey, I think when I was in college that was cool for the soccer there you go. Cool just a decade or 2 late!;)

Jami said...

awww..that's so cute! :)