Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School!

We have a bit of a corny tradition in our family...I know that's a shock to you all!:)

On the first day of school my mom always took pictures of me standing on the front steps with my bows in my hair and my best school dress on. I remember thinking that my mom was insane (sorry Mom) and that these were about the dumbest pictures I could think of.

But, as life has a way of doing, I now find myself running for my camera on the first day of school each year. This year I even forced the tradition upon Eden (our friend who is living with us for the year).

And so, without further ado, I present to you our "students".

Eden and Ayden (yup, that gets confusing at times)!

Eden's first day of Senior Year:

Ayden's first day of First grade:

We love you both so much!


Busy Mommy said...

Beautiful !
And you're not so bad ! I make mine hold a sign with their name & what grade they are in...and this year we added the school name !!

Ayden is getting SO BIG !!! Looks just like Donn !! Handsome boy!

Busy Mommy said...

Sorry, I guess I should tell you that this is Denise...am trying to start a blog...I am making it wasy more confusing than it needs to be !! uuughh have a good day !
will let you know when I am up & running !