It has become a little tradition that Maryann takes me for a pedicure for my birthday each year. Truthfully, it's usually the only time I actually get to a nail salon each year. Something about kids and nail salons just don't mix.
It was especially exciting for me this year because Donn was out of town all last week so for someone to come "rescue" me was pretty amazing!
I literally walked into the nail salon and was handed a bottle of Dasani and a People Magazine!! Goodness! If they had been giving out Swiss Cake Rolls at the door I may have thought I was in Heaven! Okay, maybe not you think they have People Magazine in Heaven? Hmm...maybe not. I am certain they have swiss cake rolls though - don't question me on that one.
Anyway, we had a great time with two of the nicest manicurists you've ever met - one of whom coined himself "Mr. Magic Hands" (trust me...his words...not ours).
The people were so nice that when they heard it was my birthday they even gave me a hot stone foot massage!
Who knew that hot stones could feel good? Okay, I realize that just doesn't look very fun, but I swear it was actually pretty nice!
Maybe later I'll run out to the scorching hot pavement and call it a luxury massage!
Hope you all had a great weekend! I personally am thrilled to have amazing friends and a husband who is back home again!
Thanks Maryann for the fun adventure!

you're welcome, and my toes are looking great at the beach!
ok...hook me up with your friends!
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