Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Diapers in the Driveway

As I glanced out my window the other day, I couldn’t help but think… “Yup, that describes it right there…that just about summarizes the day I’ve just had.”
You see, in my house we don’t believe in diaper pails. I actually have come to believe that diaper pails are a tool of Satan himself. Think about it….no matter what you do, no matter how fancy your diaper pail is, it STILL always seems to smell. If we’re really honest about it, “SMELL” is not really an effective term for the stench that takes over a house and lets everyone know that you are a family that is blessed with little people who have not yet mastered the art of the potty.

Needless to say, I’m not a big diaper pail fan. Years ago, I switched over to the natural way of disposing of dirty diapers. It is the highly effective method of tightly wrapping up a nasty diaper and giving it a big heave ho out the back door in the general direction of the garbage can. Each night, my dear husband stops by the garbage can and fills it up with these little “gifts”.
Some days, it seems as though there are just a few “little gifts” strewn around the garbage can…those are the good days. Other times, it looks as though a snow storm recklessly hit our driveway and we need to get the shovel out to clear a path.

As I looked out my window the other day, I truly felt the exhaustion that follows one of those days when the driveway was hit by the storm. My mind was empty, my body weak and I thought about how those silly diapers in the driveway actually acted as a gage for the kind of day I had. That’s when the thought hit me…

If I can look back upon my day and gage it by all of the dirty diapers that I tossed out the door, how much more can God look down upon me at the end of a day and gage me by all of the “dirty diapers” that I allowed to cross His path?

How many times did I insult Him with the stench of my nasty words or the goo that seemed to ooze out of me toward my husband? How many times did I push Him aside on this day? How many times did my aroma seem anything but pleasing in His eyes?

If I can literally feel downtrodden and saddened after a day of tossing diapers out the door, what more does God feel as He watches me and all of the “dirty diapers” in my day?

And so, today I will attempt to thank God for the dirty diapers. Thank you Lord for the little reminders of the not-so-clean areas in my life.

Thank you for the love that you pour down upon me each and every day as you forgive my imperfections.

Thank you that despite the stench, and despite how many diapers I’ve tossed in your direction, you hold out your arms to me and remind me that I am your child and I am loved…just as I am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely the most hysterical picture I have seen in a while! I knew exactly what was going on before I read it. LOL. I am still laughing!
