He is truly one of the friendliest dogs I have ever met. He loves to be with people and he loves to play fetch with the boys. He lounges around on the carpet and loves being brushed. The first few days we had him, we kept saying….”What’s the deal here? Why was this dog in a shelter? Who would have given this sweet 4 year old spaniel away?”
Now we think we understand the situation a bit better. You see, my parents have appropriately nicknamed Adidas, Adios. Adios may in fact be the most fitting name this dog could ever have. It turns out he’s an escape artist at heart. He can go under our fence. He can go over our fence. I think that on occasion he has actually levitated through our fence. If you open a door he is there. It’s quite a trick really….one minute you look around and he’s nowhere in sight. The next minute you open the door and he’s running down the street. (cue the Chariots of Fire music).
Today I was just throwing a diaper into the driveway (since you all know that I frequently do that). Along comes little “Adios” lurking from the shadows and next thing I know I am running down the street in my fancy shirt, wedge heeled shoes and fake pearls. I’m sure it’s quite a sight to behold. I think our neighbors are getting used to seeing the flash of a black spaniel crossing through their lawns and then me trailing behind.
And so, that was my day. All dressed up and chasing a dog down the street. As one of my dearest friends said, “Cyndie, you are insane! Why would you go and get a dog?” Maybe she’s right…but hey, at least I’ve been forced into a regular running routine! Maybe I’ll actually lose some weight! I’ll keep you posted on that:)!
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