Thursday, March 20, 2008

I Gave Up Yelling For Lent...

I gave up yelling for lent. Alright, talk about transparency!

Now; I know that most of you can’t imagine me yelling at my kids…it’s hard to imagine someone as laid back and mild mannered as myself ever struggling with yelling:). Alas, it is a stumbling block that I am fighting against each and every day!

As a matter of fact, I have never before “given up” something for lent. Growing up Baptist and then going to mostly non-denominational churches since college, Donn and I have never really explored the season of lent on a major basis.

However, as many of you know, this past year God called Donn and I to serve and to be served in a church with a Methodist background. We have been incredibly blessed and incredibly challenged by this body and I can easily say that one of the things I have loved the most has been learning more about the traditions of the church than I ever thought I’d know.

And so, with Easter upon us, the season of lent (a time to anticipate Christ’s resurrection and remember His sacrifice) has taken on a new meaning for me.

Many weeks ago, as friends around me began thinking of what they would “give up” for lent, I actually didn’t seriously consider anything. I figured I would just let another year go by without participating in that “tradition.” Even if I did have a desire to give something up, I certainly had no idea what I would give up.

However, one day at bible study, I was talking to my friend Sondra and she mentioned to me that she had given up yelling for lent. When I heard those words I can’t describe to you what came over me. I just knew it. That was perfect for me – I would give up yelling for lent!

Over the course of the past weeks I have learned many things:

First, I hate how quickly my voice can go from calm to yelling! One minute we can be singing “This is the Day that the Lord has Made” and the next minute I can be yelling, “Son, stop jumping off of the couch!” It’s disgusting and completely ungodly!

Secondly, it is really tough to keep a 2 year old from running into a parking lot when you can’t yell (I opted for yelling on that particular day)!

Thirdly, I am SO far from where I want to be with this battle.

When I sit and think about it, it’s truly heinous. If I were in an office building at a “typical” job, I would be fired if I ranted and raved at the drop of a hat or took out my frustrations on everyone around me. However, because my “office” is my home, I feel like I have the right to behave however I want to (no matter how foolish it may be).

Recently I “stumbled” upon a verse in Psalm 101:2. It says,

“I will lead a life of integrity in my own home.” (NLT)

Man, did that one hit me upside the head! Am I living a life of integrity behind my closed doors? Would I act the same way if you were here visiting me? Why am I willing to settle for mediocre when my children are watching every move I make? Why should my amazing husband get the worst of what’s “left of me” at the end of a day?

Easter is just a few days away but I am definitely not ready to lose the momentum that I’ve gained over these past weeks. They’ve been really hard weeks. I’ve blown it on most days. I’ve realized how despicable I really am…and I’m not ready to give that up. I NEED MORE TIME!

And so, here’s my proposition:

I know that I can’t be the only person out there who is waging this battle each and every day. Please tell me I’m not…Please, please, please!:) I also know that we are called to spur one another on. So, if this is a battle that you are longing to fight then let’s fight it together!!

Will you join me?

I’ll be honest with you, if you’ll be honest with me. On my “Mean Mommy Days” I’ll let you know how I blew it. On my victorious days, I’ll share my happiness and we can praise God together.

Let’s make our homes places where God reigns instead of us! I can use all the help I can get!

What do you say?

(If you want to team up on this endeavor, just "comment" me below. If you have a blog of your own, please let me know the address! We can do this!!


Anonymous said...

I am with you (as you know)... This is my second year of giving up yelling for Lent. I WILL eventually make "yelling" a part of my HISTORY FOREVER! My family is worth it - I am worth it and most of all: God deserves my VERY BEST. My favorite line is now: "You can't make me yell."

Love you Cyndie! You ROCK!

E said...

Hey Cyndie, it's Erin! Love your blog! Have a great time in Florida!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great reminder. I do struggle with yelling at my kids when I get frustrated too. I feel like if it didn't work telling them something 5 times maybe yelling will work. But you're right it isn't something I would do in front of others and it isn't God honoring. I'm going to try to give up Yelling too. Thanks!
Love and miss you, Hannah

Anonymous said...

WOW, did I need to hear this. I have been struggling lately with my 6 year old since having a Hannah in January so unfortunately Isabella gets the worst of me I feel like. So yes, I too will strive to stop being the YELLING MOMMY. Thanks for the inspiration. Love you, Camille <><

Anonymous said...

Gotta tell want to say "For Lent gave up yelling". otherwise you are saying you were yelling for Lent. Hope you hear the difference? Tina

Chandra said...

Hi Cyndie,
You know I'm in on this! I do not have a blog yet but I am working on creating one. But just call me if you need to talk and I will do the same!


jesuslegaleagle said...

Guilty. Yelling mom, yelling wife. I know Easter is over, but I just found your blog and needed to let you know YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Now I need to make a phone call and apologize to me dear hubby.