Monday, July 21, 2008

The Test...

Well, I have to admit it; I am pretty proud of myself (remember I said yesterday that humility really runs in our family)!

Really though, I am proud of myself!

When I started this blog back in March, I figured it would be one of the "Oh yea, I've done that too" phases in my life.

You know what I mean: like dating a guy that clearly isn't your type back in high school, or giving up carbs for a season..."Oh yea, I've done that too."

I was thrilled to start putting all of my random thoughts down somewhere more concrete than on the back of a napkin; but in many ways, I wondered if I'd be able to keep the momentum going. I figured that in two weeks, I'd hear myself saying: "Oh yea, I did that blogging thing once too."

Well, here I stand (okay...sit) rejoicing that we have now all been together (me and my faithful 3) for a good 4 months! For four months I have written down some of the most absurd thoughts and admitted some of the weirdest things about myself...

And for some strange reason; for four months, you have all sat beside me and listened (hmmm...that says something about you - not sure if it's good or bad just yet though)!

Well, so here comes the test. Over the past four months I think I may have only missed about 2 or 3 days of posts. Somehow, I have managed to put random thoughts into words almost every day of the week.

But, now I am leaving for vacation. Even worse; I am leaving for a 3 week vacation!

That's right, I will be leaving my sweet hubby behind to fend for himself for a bit while I tour the country in my customized tour bus (okay, my minivan-Uggh!)

I'll be stopping along the way to visit family and friends and I will be keeping a tally of how many potty stops one woman and three kids can make in one hour's time (Oh, I know you're all on the edge of your seats)!

Sure, at one point, I will meet up with my dear hubby and actually get a bit of a vacation time with him; but for the most part I will be SuperMOM on a mission to find adventure in every pitstop along the way!

Okay, maybe that's not quite accurate...maybe I will be more like that mom who looks like she's just spent 16 hours in a smelly mini-van with 3 screaming kids and a McDonalds stomach ache...yea, that's probably more like it.

So, here's the point to this incredibly compelling tale:


I will do my absolute best to bring you the deep thoughts that you're all yearning for (HAAAAA!) but if I miss a day or two here or there; please just think of me in my smelly mini-van and pray that the DVD player doesn't overheat and that each and every exit along the highway is equipped with bathrooms that don't require hazmat uniforms upon entering.

Ahh the life of SuperMOM! Does it get any better than this?! :) Happy vacationing!


Jami said...

Wow Cyndie - I'll give you a break and wish you LOTS OF luck!! :)

Have a great time - you are quite the adventurer! :)

lifelaughterchaos said...

good thing you have the laptop! let me know if you roadtrip to PA!

you are a brave woman! you definitely need 4!;)