Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Complete Joy...

I woke up this morning to complete joy.
Instead of the sound of fighting boys (which unfortunately is a reality in our world), I heard two little boys laughing.
As my bedroom door crept open, my precious little 2 year old climbed up into bed with me and cuddled up next to my face.

“Hold me Mommy”

“I love you Mommy”

“Kisses for Mommy.”

Pure heaven to say the least.

As I prepared school lunches and breakfasts I was absolutely astounded by Brekyn’s tenderness.
“Mommy, can we cuddle?”

“Mommy, give me kisses.”

What a wonderful morning! I could almost hear the Hallelujah chorus in the background!


Then, I noticed something….

Hmm..a half eaten banana sitting on the table? Gee, that’s not like Brekyn to leave any food unfinished?

“Mommy, my head hurts.”

GULP…something’s not quite right here.

And then it happened.

“Mommy, I thought you were going to cuddle with… BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.”

All over my feet. Memoirs of a half eaten banana and some orange juice.

Ahhh!! The sweet joys of motherhood!

I should have seen it coming. The morning was WAY too peaceful to be a reality.

And so this is my day…

That’s okay. I’ll take advantage of all the cuddle time I can get.

Tomorrow if I wake up to fighting again at least I’ll know everyone is healthy!

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