Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Today I got word that a friend of mine lost her mother after a long battle with cancer.

After I received the email, I sent a message back letting her know how sorry I was for her and that I was praying.

Her simple reply to me read:

“Thank you, Cyndie.
God bless you - and cherish your little ones.”

The words caught my attention but then I went on with my day.

I ran errands, carpooled the kids around, made dinner, folded some laundry…business as usual.

And then…

As I was praying with the boys and tucking them into bed the words came rushing back to my mind.

“Cyndie, cherish your little ones.”

All day, I had spent time ‘around’ my kids, but I had done very little to cherish them.

If I were to leave this earth right now, I would have very little to say about my last day here.

Sure, my “to do” list is complete. Sure, it was a fine day. Sure, I even took some time for myself today; BUT, I certainly can’t say that I “cherished my little ones” today.

Too many, “not nows.” Too many “maybe laters.” Too many of “life’s priorities” taking the place of my precious little gifts.

I thought of my friend who sent me those simple words of wisdom in the midst of great loss. I thought of my God who saw it fit to bless my life with little hands and feet that pitter patter all day. I thought of what really matters most in this world…

And then…

And then, I climbed into bed with my kids and we fell asleep together.

“God bless you – and cherish your little ones.” (even if they aren’t so little anymore)

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