But, this field represents a miracle.
This field represents dreams renewed and lives changed.
It represents God’s grace.
You see, in a world far far away, in a town known only to those who live near it, there are 22 men. 22 men who have ridden life’s waves and struggled through life’s battles. 22 men, many of whom were once leading gang members, drug addicts and drug dealers. 22 men whose lives were heading nowhere…..until one fateful day.
Until one fateful day when they ran ‘head-on’ into God.
Until one fateful day when they heard about this Savior that loved them so much that He sent His Son to die for them.
Until one fateful day when they committed their lives to His glory and turned from their destructive paths toward His saving grace.
Until one fateful day when they began a soccer team…
A soccer team that travels miles on foot from town to town just to kick around a soccer ball and then share Christ with their opponents. A soccer team that plays in over 100 degree weather each weekend. A soccer team that has had to borrow its uniforms from neighboring teams because they can’t afford proper attire on their own. A soccer team where, those that have cleats are forced to tape them together in order to keep them functional. A soccer team that loves the Lord more than anything in this world and has determined that they will play soccer to His glory…
…A soccer team that has led over 50 people to Christ!
This Nicaraguan soccer team has captured my heart. They have a passion for serving the Lord in a land where nothing comes easy. In the little town of Somotillo, Nicaragua they have begun a steadfast ministry. AND THEY HAVE NOTHING…
On a recent trip there, they asked my new friend Angie (http://www.thepowerofoneministry.org/) if she could pray for one thing for them. Their simple request?
“We need 22 pairs of cleats.”
Angie came back to the States and began fervently praying for a connection to help her fulfill this need. Her direct prayer was,
“Lord, please send me someone from the Charlotte Eagles who can help me with this need.”
(The Charlotte Eagles are a local professional soccer team that is 100% Christian and uses soccer to spread the gospel around the world http://www.charlotteeagles.com/).
A few days later, I was sitting in my office when a picture of a precious little orphan girl (Loriana) from Nicaragua crossed my desk. The picture had been sent by Angie (whom I had never met before). Angie had met this sweet girl in the orphanage on one of her many mission trips to Nicaragua. The Lord etched little Loriana onto my heart and wouldn’t release me from praying for her. Last week I asked many of you to join me in praying that little Loriana would find a family to call her own. Within just days we saw the Lord miraculously answer that prayer!
(The Charlotte Eagles are a local professional soccer team that is 100% Christian and uses soccer to spread the gospel around the world http://www.charlotteeagles.com/).
A few days later, I was sitting in my office when a picture of a precious little orphan girl (Loriana) from Nicaragua crossed my desk. The picture had been sent by Angie (whom I had never met before). Angie had met this sweet girl in the orphanage on one of her many mission trips to Nicaragua. The Lord etched little Loriana onto my heart and wouldn’t release me from praying for her. Last week I asked many of you to join me in praying that little Loriana would find a family to call her own. Within just days we saw the Lord miraculously answer that prayer!
As I was on the phone discussing Loriana with my new friend Angie, I mentioned that Donn and I used to serve as missionaries with the Charlotte Eagles. The line went silent and all I heard were the sounds of Angie’s tears.
“Cyndie, I’ve been praying for the Lord to send me someone who had a connection with the Charlotte Eagles. I think this is bigger than just Loriana…I think there’s more to this connection than we knew!”
And so, there you have it. I have no idea what God is doing here but it is amazingly clear that He is giving Donn and I a heart for this little town of Somotillo, Nicaragua and its people. I am committed to seeing this through and doing whatever God asks of me to minister to these people.
And so, there you have it. I have no idea what God is doing here but it is amazingly clear that He is giving Donn and I a heart for this little town of Somotillo, Nicaragua and its people. I am committed to seeing this through and doing whatever God asks of me to minister to these people.
And what is my goal?
My goal is to fulfill the simple request of the men’s soccer team…
“We need 22 pairs of cleats,” was the prayer of this team.
When I told Angie that I would commit to finding these cleats she asked me if I was certain about taking that on. My response was,
“Last week Loriana needed a family and the Lord provided that. 22 pairs of cleats seems to pale in comparison.”
My goal is to collect 22 pairs of cleats by the time Angie returns to Nicaragua in June.
Obviously, we will accept any donations that you’d like to make to this soccer team. They have virtually nothing…no real uniforms, no shin guards, no sweat bands. New or gently used is fine. More than anything, they desire cleats. The cleat sizes are listed below.
1 - Size 10
5 - Size 9
6 - Size 8 1/2
9 - Size 8
1 - Size 7 1/2
5 - Size 9
6 - Size 8 1/2
9 - Size 8
1 - Size 7 1/2
If the Lord speaks to you regarding this need please email me at cyndie@christianadopt.org

To God be the glory for great things He has done!
1 comment:
i love stuff like this! it completely excites me to see what God will do next. I love, love to yardsale so I will keep my eyes open for cleats. you can really nice stuff sometimes.
also, did you contact any local shoe companies? i know when we went to guatemala a few years ago a local company donated tons of shoes for the orphanage.
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