“Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da BATMAN!!!”
As some of you may remember, my sweet Brekyn decided to buck the system when it came to his first words. No way was he going to stick to the plan and say ‘Mama’ or ‘Dada’ first. NOPE, Brekyn had his own plan in mind and out of his sweet little mouth, the first word that he graced this world with was “Batman.” True story.
Anyway, like I said, over the years, we have had many ‘Batmans’ running through our house with capes flying behind. This morning was no different. However, this morning I also happened to hear Brekyn talking to himself in between stanzas of the batman theme:
“Where is it?”
“Da, da, da, da”
“It’s got to be in here!”
“Da, da, da, da Batman!”
“I know it’s here someplace.”
As I peered into the family room I saw Brekyn standing above the toy box with his cape on. He looked over at me and said, “Mom, where is the Batman mask?”
With absolute lack of enthusiasm, I replied, “I don’t know where the Batman mask is Brekyn. I guess you’ll have to keep looking.”
Brekyn then turned back to the toy box and within a split second went into full-blown search and rescue mode. Toys were flying everywhere…over the shoulders, up in the air, flying mutant turtles, little army men, even a singing spider man…FLYING, FLYING, FLYING….the mission was clear; the Batman mask MUST be found!
As any sane mom in her right mind would; my heart immediately dropped as I thought of how long it would take me to clean up this mess. Out of instinct I gave the customary Mom warning,
“You know Brek, you’re going to have to clean this mess up!”
His eyes didn’t even flinch.
It became clear to me that I didn’t understand the intensity of this ‘mission.’ Cleaning up the toys wasn’t even a speck on Brekyn’s radar…the only thing that mattered was finding that mask so he could sing the Batman song in full attire. And this is when it hit me (not a toy…a revelation.)
I looked at Brekyn's excitement as his arms were flailing in the air with toys careening across the room and I longed for those days. Where have they gone? Those sweet days of childhood.
I long for the days when finding a toy was my top mission and slinkies flying across the room didn’t prompt me to think about the mess I’d have to clean up later. I long for the days when childhood innocence and joy were all that I knew. Oh, how I miss those days!
It’s like the feeling we used to have on the last day of school before summer break. The bell would ring and screaming children would run out the front doors with a sense of excitement and anticipation for what was to come…freedom, fun, pure innocence....Pajama dances in the backyard with my sisters, lightning bugs in jars, forts in the woods, and roller skates in the garage (dating myself, I realize).
And so, this is my mood for the day. It’s 84 degrees here today…warm enough that you would think it would feel like summer…and yet it doesn’t.
I am longing for summer in my heart.
If only I could capture it in a bottle and carry it from those years, long since passed, and release a bit of summer’s innocence today.
But I know that I can’t.
Life is busier now..responsibilities are real…bills must be paid…children must be cared for.
‘Summer’ is harder to come by nowadays……
…Or is it?
I look again to my sweet little Batman.
“Da, da, da, da, da, da Batman!” Sitting in a heap of toys; content just to sing…maybe; just maybe, there’s still hope.
Maybe I can sit and borrow some of that sweet innocence. It won’t last long…but it may just carry me through for today.
Thank you Lord, for the 'summer' in our children.
May we learn to be more like them every day.
1 comment:
So, did sweet Brekyn find the mask?? I know when we were there, it was getting a little broken...
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