Monday, March 2, 2009


Someone got a hold of our credit card number and made unauthorized credit card company is refusing to dispute them...$250 out of our pockets.

The dog peed on the carpet...twice...

The entire shelf filled with photo albums came crashing down in our guest room closet this afternoon...

I am stressed.

Stupid little things...annoying for certain - but hardly worth the effort of stressing over them.

And yet...I've been ticked off all day as one thing after another has seemed to go wrong.

There's no doubt about it - it's 100% satan.

Every time we have a major spiritual event occuring in our life (like a trip to an African orphanage) Satan comes in with guns blazing.

In fact, the last time my husband left the country for a missions trip, our house ended up flooded and we had to move into a hotel.

We were expecting this; but it's true that it's not fun.

Lord, I pray your protection over my family and this home. I pray your peace in my heart and that my eyes will stay fixed on you. Amen.

Liberia - 3 days and counting!


Anonymous said...

Stormy seas, and you haven't even left port yet!!!!
Do Not Despair. You have the BIG guns to bring down the enemy! If this is truly Satan, then this is NOT your battle. :-) Jesus will handle it. You just cover your home and plans with prayer. When the waters get too choppy this week, step away, pray, be still, and WATCH as He will do the rest, and you will feel calmer.

Luke Holzmann said...


May you also feel the peace that God offers and you watch Him redeem these situations.

Hang in there!


Kathleen said...

Boy is that the TRUTH! You know that you are in the father's will when Satan pops by to "play". I will be praying for your trip, your children, your sweet mom, and your ministry time each day and I cannot wait to see photos and hear what God is doing in Africa. What a great opportunity to serve in His name!

Anonymous said...

God is going to figure out a way to give you back that $250. and then some. I am praying over it right now. I am so sorry that happened. Yeah, I am right there with you on the dog pee though...found a good carpet cleaner yet? Love you!