Monday, June 30, 2008

And then Monday morning came...

(Monday Morning)
6:50am - “Sweetie, time to wake up.” I said as I dragged myself out of bed to the sound of scampering little feet in the hall.

7:05am - “Honey, you really need to get up…you’re going to be late.” I said (in a louder tone) as I passed again by the bedroom door.

7:10am – “Okay; really…not kidding anymore…wake up!” I said as I quickly opened the bedroom door and made certain to shut it with enough force to make my point known.

7:20am – “WAKE UP!!!! GET YOURSELF OUT OF THAT BED!” I finally shouted; slamming the bedroom door behind me as I stomped into the kitchen to make breakfast for the kids.

A few minutes later as my sweet, exhausted husband wandered into the hallway, my 3 year old son looked up with great enthusiasm and shouted;

“Hey Mom look! Dad’s awake! Now you don’t have to be mad anymore!”

UGGH…like a knife in the heart, the Lord used my son to remind me of how badly I had blown it. In the very first half hour of my day, I had already let my tongue get the best of me. I had disrespected my husband and I had set a horrible example for my children.

James 1:19-20

“My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Your anger can never make things right in God’s sight.” (NLT)

How many times do we allow our sinful nature to get the best of us? How many times do we act as if we have the authority to say whatever comes into our minds or to carelessly use our words as a dagger? How many times do we disappoint our heavenly Father by showing a lack of self control and patience?

According to James, our “anger can never make things right in God’s sight.”

No amount of justification will change this.

Sure, my husband needed to wake up. Sure, God appointed me my husband’s helpmate, and sure, I needed to help him stay on track. BUT, no amount of anger and quick speaking can be justified in God’s sight.

Lord, forgive me for the times when I have spoken too quickly and let my anger brew. Let my life exemplify a life that is being lived in your grace and for your glory. Give me the ability to be “quick to listen; slow to speak and slow to get angry.” Amen.

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